Drinking Water Criteria Document For Cyanides (Final Draft, 1985)

The Office of Drinking Water (ODW), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has prepared a "Drinking Water Criteria Document on Cyanide". This Criteria Document is an extensive review of the following topics: Physical and chemical properties of cyanides; Toxicokinetics and human exposure to cyanides; Health Effects of cyanides in humans and animals; Mechanisms of toxicity of cyanides; Quantification of toxicological effects of cyanides.


Basu, D., M. Neal, AND S. Wilbur. Drinking Water Criteria Document For Cyanides (Final Draft, 1985). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/X-84/192-1 (NTIS PB86117793).

Additional Information

Prepared in cooperation with Syracuse Research Corp., NY.