Revised Evaluation of Health Effects Associated with Carbon Monoxide Exposure: An Addendum to the 1979 U.S. EPA Air Quality Criteria Document for Carbon Monoxide (1984)

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The addendum re-evaluates the scientific data base concerning health effects associated with exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) at ambient or near ambient levels by providing: (1) a concise summary of key health effects information pertaining to relatively low-level CO exposure; and (2) an overview of the limited volume of new evidence on the subject. This re-evaluation is performed in light of the diminished value of studies by Dr. Wilbert Aronow on human health effects of exposure to low levels of CO. His studies figured in to the preparation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 1979 Air Quality Criteria Document for Carbon Monoxide and to the Agency's proposed retention of the 8-hour primary and revision of the 1-hour standards for CO (45 FR 55066; August 18, 1980).


Benignus, V., L. Grant, D. McKee, AND J. Raub. Revised Evaluation of Health Effects Associated with Carbon Monoxide Exposure: An Addendum to the 1979 U.S. EPA Air Quality Criteria Document for Carbon Monoxide (1984). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/8-83/033F (NTIS PB85103471).